Major Songbird Transitions, Jasmine Gold

The path of Songbird Community Healing Center, Stones Throw, and the Hands of Gold Clinic has always been Spirit-led and filled with surprises. This year has been no exception. When Songbird celebrated its 10-year anniversary in January, I couldn’t come up with a vision for the future, but already felt Songbird was moving in a…

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Flower Essence for Emotional Healing & Soul Growth by Anna Bazarnaya

In 2020, traumatic experiences had been nearly impossible to avoid. From a global pandemic to social injustice to environmental catastrophes – we’ve been forced to face these issues, and these events had triggered unresolved personal and ancestral traumas in many of us.  Unfortunately, traditional western medicine typically only treats the mental and physical manifestations of…

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Be Peace Now

This month I was guided to pull a Strength, Heart, Challenge spread to give us an extra boost of support in what is likely to be another intense month. This spread allows a richer range of information to come through than is usually available when a single card is pulled. I’ll begin with a brief…

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Manifestation & The Toltec Masteries, Jasmine Gold

Manifestation is something we all do all the time without realizing it, but when you learn to do it consciously, your entire life changes. This happened to me when I moved to Sonoma County 20 years ago and discovered the Toltec teachings of don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements. When I moved here,…

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Archangel Azrael: Releasing Illusions

I won’t sugarcoat it: by now, much of the world has been dealing with a pandemic for over six months, and in the US there seems to be no end in sight. Here in California, an early start to what may be only the latest in a string of severe wildfire seasons has even the…

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To Mask or Not to Mask, Jasmine Gold

This is a question that divides my friends, as well as the country. Why is this question so divisive? What drives each side to take such a strong stand? The real issue has nothing to do with masks. It’s tied in with differing belief systems and fears. Each side is generally being driven by a…

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COVID and the Toltec Masteries, Jasmine Gold

As Songbird navigates reopening, I have found myself drowning in a sea of differing beliefs about how to proceed. There are those who don’t want to go out until there is a vaccine, those who don’t think masks are necessary, and everyone in between. It’s hard to sort through the diverse information and figure out…

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