Manifestation is something we all do all the time without realizing it, but when you learn to do it consciously, your entire life changes. This happened to me when I moved to Sonoma County 20 years ago and discovered the Toltec teachings of don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements.
When I moved here, I felt something was missing in my life. There was nothing obviously wrong, but I was unhappy and wanting something more out of life. I found it when I came across two ads for a Wisdom Circle based on the Four Agreements. Six months later I was called to go on my first power journey to the Toltec spiritual site of Teotihuacan, and my life was never the same.
A journey to Teotihucan is an energetic experience that helps jumpstart your life through the three Toltec Masteries: The Mastery of Awareness, The Mastery of Transformation, and the Mastery of Love & Intent. We live in a linear world so I am going to describe the three masteries in a linear fashion, but they don’t work this way. In reality, we constantly jump between them.
In the Mastery of Awareness you become aware that you are living your own dream of the world. Everyone sees the world differently. All of your friends would describe you differently from each other and differently from how you would describe yourself. You have a different impression of me from someone who has known me all my life. You are filtering your view of me through your belief system. When you really master this awareness, there is no longer any reason to take anything personally. You can stop assuming that everyone sees the world the same way you do or that everyone needs to.
In the next Mastery, the Mastery of Transformation, you start listing the beliefs that make up your worldview and seeing the role that these beliefs play in your life. You decide whether you want to continue to believe them, out of choice, or whether you want to transform them into something else. You realize that you can’t do anything right or wrong, good or bad. Life is all about choice. You can start picturing your life as a movie that you can direct however you want.
When your limiting beliefs are no longer controlling you, you can move into the Mastery of Love and Intent. I’ve also heard Miguel Ruiz call this the Mastery of Faith. When you let go of fear, you can take action because it makes you happy, not because you “should” or “have to.” When you have clear intention and 100% faith, you can manifest whatever you want. That’s when miracles happen.
One of my first conscious introductions to manifesting in this way was about a year after I first attended the Wisdom Circle. I had just returned from a power journey to Peru and was meditating on my next steps. Out of the blue, I got a clear message to join Miguel Ruiz’s three year Toltec Dreaming program that started in two weeks. I hadn’t even been considering it, though someone on the Peru journey had mentioned to me that he was going. I had no idea how I could make it happen.
I was an at-home mom of a 6 year. My then husband didn’t understand or believe in what I was doing. It seemed an impossible task to convince him to let me spend the money and go away one weekend per month when all I had was my inner compass guiding me. I had no idea how I would get there. The airport is about 70 miles away, I wasn’t very comfortable driving, hardly every drove, and had only driven on the freeway a few times. I had no idea how to apply, or even whether the deadline had been extended like I had been told by my friend on the Peru journey. I had no idea why I was called to be there, but I knew that I needed to be, even if I had to hire a babysitter, borrow the money, and drive myself to the airport. Within 24 hours I reached out to several people I knew who might have a copy of the application. I manifested a copy, sent it in, was interviewed, and accepted. My clear intention got through to my husband as well, and he accepted my need to go.
Over the last 20 years, I have manifested too many amazing things to list, but here are some of the highlights. As I finished up Toltec Dreaming, I manifested a 5 year relationship where I was managing my boyfriend’s art business. This gave me the business skills and the confidence to create Songbird. Almost 11 years ago, the relationship ended, the day before Songbird opened. I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was exactly what I needed to launch me on the next stage of my journey. Six months after opening up Songbird, I manifested a 6 week retreat in the spiritual community of Damanhur. I went there thinking I was going to close Songbird when I returned. Instead I realized that Songbird was in line with my personal passion of sharing information and supporting growth for everyone through community, connection, and creativity. Instead of closing Songbird, on my return, I manifested several human angels to help me remodel and move forward with it.
Eight years ago I purchased and remodeled the building that is Songbird’s current home. It’s a much better fit than our original location. Six years ago I opened up our store, Stones Throw. Three years ago I started thinking about ways to remodel Songbird in order to put Stones Throw into the same building without kicking out the long term tenant who had come with the building. While still in the visioning stage, my plans were simplified because the tenant decided to move out without knowing anything about my desire. Two years ago the move was complete.
Songbird turned 10 years old on January 1 of this year. I was puzzled because I could not come up with a vision for moving forward into our second decade. A couple months later I found out why. It would never have occurred to me to envision Songbird closing down for the year.
The two month break I had before reopening Stones Throw gave me a much needed opportunity to refocus my life. Sales at the store are better than ever before, even though we are open less hours. The store is making up for the lost income from Songbird. I have more time on my hands and am much more relaxed. This was something else I wanted to manifest. I have no idea when, how, or if, Songbird will open for in person classes again. I continue to trust that the next steps will be revealed to me as long as I look for synchronicities and continue taking the actions that come to me from Spirit, and not from my mind. That’s how manifestation works!
Jasmine Gold is the director of Songbird Community Healing Center, a Toltec Mentor, certified Four Agreements Facilitator, and Reiki Master. She has spent her life awakening to Spirit in an on-going dance of discovery. Her most profound shifts have been through the Toltec path and a three-year intensive Dreaming program with don Miguel Ruiz. She would love to help you live the life of your dreams.