The holiday season has always been a time that I focus on gratitude. I am grateful for everything in my life and especially Songbird. Recently I have been thinking about the many people who have come to Songbird and later left or changed roles. Each gave their gift and then it was time for them to move on. Viewing every shift as a gratitude gift allows new dreams to easily manifest. Janet Caliri, who specializes in Joyful Transitions, has now given her gift and is in the process of shifting from her position as Operations Director into something new.
I am extremely grateful for all the support that Janet has given Songbird over the last couple years. She came on board at a time when I was feeling overwhelmed with all that I needed to do to keep Songbird alive. She took some of the load off my back and helped us to grow to the place we are now. I couldn’t have survived the last year without her.
However, since I returned from Teotihuacan in April, the Universe has been nudging me and telling me that it is time to take Songbird in new directions. As soon as I started opening to a place of “yes, how, and what now,” instead of being in a state of overwhelm, the Universe started providing me with the people and answers I needed.
We have had several new practitioners join since the energy shift started including Corrina Koepplin, Edeltraud Muroki, Valerie Muroki, Janet Carol Ryan, Shannon Sundberg, and Dana Valley. You can check them out during Walk-In Hours and the Hands of Gold Healing. Deborah Dow Gallagher resurfaced to help with the calendar, newsletter and other organizational tasks. She is the one responsible for our beautiful new newsletter format. More new practitioners are on their way. All of them want to help Songbird grow and reach its full potential.
In August, we started exploring how we could channel this wonderful new energy toward Songbird’s success. We are excited to be forming new committees of practitioners who are stepping up to help run Songbird. All is still evolving, but one thing we are doing is creating two fabulous new events. On December 17 we will be hosting a Winter Gratitude Party and on New Year’s Eve we will be holding an alternative fun intention setting party with casual tarot readings, palm readings, and psychic readings. Stay tuned for more information.
I am feeling a renewed joy and passion for Songbird that I haven’t felt in a long time. The more I listen and align with the messages I am being given, the easier the transition is happening.
How are you feeling in your life right now? Where are you stuck? Are you able to consider everything that happens in your life as a gratitude gift? If not, come to Songbird and soak up some of our healing energy. Come work with one of our practitioners or take a class. Come release the blocks that keep you from gratitude and manifesting your dreams.