Moody Moon Astrology: Exciting Eclipse Season


Exciting Eclipse SeasonEclipses happen in Fall and Spring. Lunar eclipses often indicate a “letting go,” while solar eclipses indicate receiving something new into your life. Both are meant to shake you up a bit. Both act as new/full moons on steroids.

The moon is our closest luminary and, due to its speedy orbit, has a strong effect on our daily lives. The full moon points to completion of whatever intentions we planted at the new moon. It also illuminates and brings to light anything we have overlooked or missed. Particularly if deception is involved, full moons bring things “out into the light.” The new moon is the best time to set intentions and see them ripen to fruition.

Mercury goes retrograde on August 30. For the next three weeks you will have the opportunity to refine and revisit anything you have already started, and make sure all of your machinery and communications are working smoothly.

The sun moves into practical and detail oriented Virgo for eclipse season. The September 1 new moon solar eclipse in Virgo continues urging us to clarify our direction with detail and precision. Virgo is practical, analytical, and sensual. Use this powerful new moon eclipse to plant seeds of intention that will grow for the next 6 months. This is particularly true of deep changes you may wish to make in your life. September 16 marks the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces, and will be a time to let go of whatever limiting beliefs are holding you back emotionally in your relationships. It also marks the end of any way you have isolated yourself from others. As we head towards Libra on September 22, we finish eclipse season for 2016.

Mercury resumes direct motion on Sept 22, to be joined a week later by heavy-hitters Saturn and Pluto. This will give a burst of forward motion and support especially in the area of work and health. Saturn continues to square Neptune all year. Squares are all about tension and integrating opposites. While Neptune says we are all one and all pure spirit, Saturn says we all have bodies and need to be spirit in action. Saturn wants to see the concrete results of spirituality, while Neptune just trusts in the spirit of the whole and does not need proof.

The outer planets such as Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto are very slow moving and speak to larger human themes (transpersonal/archetypal). As they aspect your person chart you will begin to experience them on a more direct personal level as you would the moon or mercury. When not directly aspecting your chart they act as looming energies in the background grinding through your subconscious and the collective unconscious, clearing and purifying.

For more information about Natal Astrology readings by Heather contact her at hc********@gm***.com or go to