Many people start thinking about love and relationships in February. Whether you are single or in a relationship, it is important to remember that your #1 relationship is with yourself. You need to find your personal rhythm of action and flow, to balance the masculine and feminine within yourself. Having time in your days to just be and flow allows you to be more productive in your directional doing time. It allows you to have success without effort.
For the last few weeks, I have been getting stressed as I focused on all the things I need to get done. Besides my normal day to day tasks, there are many financial activities in January to close out the old year. And that got my mind focused on the need for increased financial abundance for Songbird and Stones Throw to be successful. At these times I start telling myself that I can’t take time to myself. I feel guilty and judge myself. However, it is in the times of stress that it is most important to take time off to nurture and love myself.
A few years ago, when I was single and hadn’t opened the Stones Throw gift store, I remembered that more clearly. I realized that I was most productive when I took 1 ½ – 2 days off to myself to do what I wanted with no agenda. Some relaxing activities I love include hiking, dancing, going to the beach or taking a bath. I enjoy reading in bed for hours in the morning without getting up. And sometimes I enjoy doing some work on my days off. Usually it is the low priority, but fun tasks, that I never have time during my regular work hours, but sometimes there are important tasks that just need to get done that I want to do because I find it easy to do them on a day of relaxing than a day that is filled with doing.
The most important thing for me on my days off are that they be non-structured and that I try to let go of as many “have-to’s” as possible. I let go of judgments and relax into what my body wants. They are days just to love myself and build a relationship with myself. Today it was yoga at home for the first time in probably a year or two.
As I let myself just be, my mind can wander into creative ideas for success. It is often on these days that my blog topics come to me and writing them becomes fun instead of a have-to. I find this kind of free-flow time works best for me than the structure of a focused daily meditation which ends up turning into another have-to.
We each have our own activities that help us relax and our rhythm of when to do them. For you, it could be one day off or working partial days on all 7 days of the week. When you allow yourself to feel your personal rhythm and to act from that place, you can create success without effort.
Our Friday Flock Night this month on February 5 focuses on the topic of balancing the different parts of your life. Devaa Haley Mitchell with the Shift Network is presenting Curving the Lines: Merging the Masculine and Feminine for Holistic Living. We only have one Friday Flock Night this month because we are trying to focus on quality rather than quantity this year. We aren’t going to bring someone in just to fill a spot. We also want to start focusing on hosting other special events such as Drumming into Love: Find Your Rhythm & Feel the Wellspring of Love with Sahar Pinkham and Janet Caliri on Saturday, February 13.
We look forward to seeing you.