Studies show that people who are part of a supportive community are healthier and live longer. At the same time, studies also show that more and more people are feeling lonely. They often feel unsupported by the medical system and do not receive the care they need. Do you fit into any of these categories? If so, Songbird can provide you a place to nest.
I have fit into these categories at different times in my life, especially during the period about 23 years ago, when I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Prior to my thyroid acting up, I was extremely healthy. I didn’t know much about mainstream Western medicine or alternative medicine, but I wanted more options than what the doctors were giving me. I felt overwhelmed and alone in exploring alternatives, but I persevered on forging my own path.
After my thyroid gave me the wake up call I needed to start my spiritual journey, my hyperthyroidism went away. My thyroid has now been healthy for 21 years.
As I got more in touch with myself, I realized that I want to help others from having the experience I had. I created the Hands of Gold Healing Clinic in my living room 12 years ago and moved it to Songbird Community Healing Center when we opened seven years ago.
Our mission is to be a supportive community that inspires growth and wellbeing in body, mind, and spirit. We want you to feel educated and empowered to learn, heal, and thrive. We want you to be able to find the classes and services that are the right fit for you. What was right for me is not necessarily what is right for you. Healthcare is not one size fits all
Community is the core of Songbird. We don’t exist because we want to promote a specific class, service, or doctrine. We are here so that you can have a warm and welcoming place where you feel supported on your journey to health. We are here so that you can have access to quality alternative and complementary options on your healing path, regardless of your financial means. We are here so you can avoid the struggle I had to go through 23 years ago.
We are here to embrace everyone – from those who want to come to an occasional celebration to those who want to delve deep into changing their lives with private sessions. We have offerings for those who like small gatherings and those who love the large. We embrace and honor the diversity of everyone.
The Hands of Gold Healing gathering is a wonderful way to try out the services of the Songbird Flock. However, I am also excited that on July 22 from 2:30pm-5:30pm we are bringing back our Experience Songbird Saturday Open House & Healing Fair. Experience Songbird Saturday offers sample sessions and free educational talks. We had taken a break for 1 ½ years while Songbird was evolving and grounding. Now we are spreading our wings and flying. We hope you’ll come in and do the same.