Self-Love, Jasmine Gold

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many people start thinking about love and romance. Usually this is in connection with a romantic partner. When was the last time you thought about loving and romancing yourself? Here are some ideas. Spend time thinking about what love looks like for you. If this is difficult, think about past, present,…

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Thyme & Herbal Allies, Anna Bazarnaya

The winter season continues, and we are genuinely under the influence of the Water element, with its core emotion of fear and the main theme of going deep within, which may involve triggering some old pains and insecurities. The cold, windy weather, flu season, plus lack of sunshine can affect our mood, causing melancholy and…

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Winter Herbs, Anna Bazarnaya

With the Winter Solstice of December 21st of 2019, we entered the season of Winter. In classical Chinese Medicine, it is considered the time for inward reflection, rest, recharge, and restoration. The strategy of slowing down, getting more rest, and eating substantial warming food replenish the reserves of energy depleted over the year. We need…

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Stepping into 2020, Jasmine Gold

Over the last month, I have started regularly walking about 30-40 minutes several days a week. For me, walking is much more than physical exercise. When I walk, my mind can relax. When I’m relaxed and not focused on doing, ideas come to me. At the same time, it’s also important for me not to…

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Priorities, Jasmine Gold

A few weeks ago I found out that a friend of mine, Robert Labensart, had passed away in July. It was a startling reminder to live life fully. We never know what is going to happen in our lives. The unexpected can occur at any time. He had a fast moving cancer – something I…

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When Stress Hits Your Back, Susan Hammond

Ever notice how during times of heightened stress that your back — or neck or shoulders or wherever you hold tension — acts up? Well, that’s exactly what just happened to me. Lately I’ve been feeling like a stress magnet. Concerns about health, finances, home, family (all the biggies) have been building up. The back…

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Mirror Work, Jasmine Gold

Have you ever looked into your eyes in a mirror and said to yourself “I love you”? This is a very powerful tool for discovering the limiting beliefs that hold you back from manifesting what you want in life. When you love yourself, the universe will love you back and help you to create what…

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Helichrysum: The Golden Healer, Anna Bazarnaya

The aromatic Helichrysum is a true healer of the plant kingdom, healing both, our external physical and internal deep emotional wounds and broken heart. The plant’s name comes from the Greek words helios (meaning “sun”) and chrysos (meaning “gold”) and had been praised by cultures, old and new, for its notorious therapeutic abilities and vast…

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