Stones Throw Blog

Change your Life by Changing What You Eat

Each day is a new beginning with endless possibilities. I truly believe that. Unfortunately, when you don’t feel well, are tired, lack energy, have aches and pains, feel bloated and fat, it’s hard to have a positive attitude and feel like anything is possible. You might be happy just to make it through the day.…

What Do You Need to Thrive?

The New Year is a time of new beginnings. We can learn from the grass that has turned from brown to green as it soaks up the rain it needs to thrive. Are you naturally soaking up what life provides you to grow, or are you trying to grow in a different direction? Are you…

Storytelling and Value Judgments

Happy Holidays! The holiday season is a great time to look at what you consider important and valuable. How much are you willing to spend on gifts, food, or taking care of yourself? When do you say something is too expensive? There is no right or wrong answer.  Your answer is a story that you…

Joy or Stress? Are they Byproducts?

What is joy? What is stress? Are they choices or byproducts? Byproducts…of what? Our thoughts and attitude. As brain whisperer Steven Campbell shares, ( ) our brain obeys what we tell it. Furthermore, that message expands and manifests when infused with passion. That said, let’s explore the simple tools to experience more ease and joy…

Psychological Shamanism – An Intro to Western Shamanism with Jan Ogren

Friday Flock Night:  November 18th 7:30-9:30pm  ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Do you feel a calling and an urge for deeper connection to nature and the spirit world? Do you want a safe, supportive and joyful place to explore? Come learn about Western Shamanism and how you can increase creativity and decrease reactivity, allowing you to be more fully…

Essene Circle of Life with Martina Hill

Wednesday, December 7th,  7:00pm – 9:00pm  ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Essene Circle provides a friendly and supportive atmosphere for holistic spiritual  growth, based on the Tree of Life Shamanic Communions. Our teachings aid in unfolding your practice with study & meditation, intuition awareness, and  progressive dietary & mind-body practices that are sustainable for Earth protection, personal wellness.  Contact: Martina…

How to Change Your Money Reality with Dr. Dorena Rode

Saturday, December 12th, 1:00-3:30pm  ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ What would it be like to live where and how you would like to? What would it be like to simply purchase the quality food, furnishings and other material objects you are attracted to? What if having more money than you’ve ever dreamed possible was easier than you thought? What if…

Sacred Sound Ceremony with Wendy Leora

Saturday, December 10th, 7:00-9:00pm. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Give yourself the gift of a Sacred Sound Ceremony this holiday season. We will dance, sing, chant and create art to manifest our wishes and dreams. You will then lie down and relax as healing sounds, music and Angel energy wash over you and replenish your spirit in a Sound…

Family Ties: A Day of Family Constellations with Molly Salans

Sunday, December 11th, 10:00am-6:00pm. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ During these festive times, family relationships can be messy no matter how close you all are!   Stuck, unconscious patterns can rear up easily! In the midst of this, busy, hectic season treat yourself to a day of Family Constellations, and experience freedom like never before!  As you take this powerful…

Releasing Expectations

Autumn is traditionally a time of harvest. We reap the benefits of what we planted in the spring and prepare to hibernate for winter. For me, the seasons have often become reversed. We bought the building for Songbird in fall of 2012 and opened the store in fall of 2014. Neither of these were planned…