Stones Throw Blog

Dream Alchemy Salon w/ Jean Kathryn Carlson

Wednesday,  December 14th,  7:00 – 9:00pm ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ What if last night’s weird dream came with profound information for you to use today? Join us and see if it’s true for you. Through a unique blend of projective DreamPlay and EFT or Tapping we will enter the land of nocturnal dreams where the magic mirror never…

Equinox & Blood Moon Eclipse Energy

Have you been feeling the energy of the equinox, blood moon, and eclipse? My life is buzzing with energy, more transitions, and the need to accept what is. I hope you too are letting in and letting go of what no longer serves you. Songbird is definitely flowing with the energy. We had a powerful…

Transitions and Harmonious Parenting

It’s always the season of fundamental life transitions! Do you tend to avoid life transitions and hope they’ll go away? If you answered ‘yes’ then that’s the first step to more ease and joy! What I mean is, you answered honestly, and that brings freedom. Visible Transitions methodology begets a kind and creative truth face-off. This…

apple with a heart shape on it - isolated over a white background

Living in a State of Forgiveness

Is it possible that forgiveness is so hard because it makes no sense to our spiritual bodies? Why would anyone need to say I am sorry for…. if we lived in a state of forgiveness? Meaning everyone is always doing the best they can at any given time. Even if they know what they are…

woman holding globe

The Return of Earth-based Ritual and Ceremony

Since the beginning of time, ritual and ceremony have been used as transformational processes to return balance where it is needed most – and it begins with ourselves. All HUMAN imbalance results from losing who we are, at our core. It is common for us to stray from self … to get caught up in…

couple holding hands on the beach

Deepening Reverence & Joy Through Sacred Communion

Sacred communion is the playful dance of the divine masculine and feminine forces within your relationship. Regardless of whether your connection is heterosexual, bisexual or gay, the play of the divine masculine and feminine is at work and it is these polar opposites that allow the breath of vitality and passion to assert their power.…


All of our Friday Flock Nights for August turned out to be about relationships so I decided to blog about that this month. The most common use of the word relationship is in connection with people, and the first two Fridays deal with that – our relationships with ourselves and with others. The third Friday…

woman with sore neck

Carriage of the Head

Does it feel like you’ve got a bowling ball instead of a Nerf ball for a head?  Do you wonder about your posture? Is your neck stiff? Do you have Text Neck? The way we carry our head affects many things. If we carry our head forward, it can lead to chronic pain, numbness, headaches,…

Fresh Starts & Clutter Clearing

15 years ago I moved to Sonoma County with my four year old son (and my now ex-husband) to be part of the FrogSong Cohousing community in downtown Cotati. I have lived there since it was completed 12 years ago, but now feel called to move to the country. I have found a beautiful property…

Meet the Practitioner: Jen Julius

We met Jen Julius at a multiple Chamber mixer last year. She joined the Songbird Flock last fall when Songbird was just starting to expand into offering coaching. Jen is a Life Coach (highlighting clarity, communication, & confidence) and Radio Host. Her motto, “Change Your Story. Change Your Life. Change the World.” is right in…