The New Year is a time of new beginnings. We can learn from the grass that has turned from brown to green as it soaks up the rain it needs to thrive. Are you naturally soaking up what life provides you to grow, or are you trying to grow in a different direction? Are you considering New Year’s Resolutions that don’t fit with your life? How often have you failed at resolutions and judged yourself? Unlike the grass, we have lost touch with the simplicity of the non-judgmental flow of life. When the grass gets water, it grows. When it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
Usually resolutions fail because they aren’t aligned with your true desires or with what life is offering you. We often try to complicate things by creating resolutions that do not flow. Instead of setting resolutions or goals, I like setting intentions. When I set an intention, it is my intention in that moment, but I can change it at any time without judging myself. If I were grass, my intention would be to grow. If sun and water didn’t create the necessary conditions for growth, I might have to change my intention.
Returning to being human, I could set an intention to exercise three days a week. If I find that the conditions in my life are not permitting that, then I would change my intention to something that works for the conditions in my life. I would do that without judgment. Alternatively, I could change some of the other things in my life that are keeping me from keeping my intention. That’s where we have the advantage over grass. We can influence our lives.
Some things in our lives are fixed. We have to eat. We have to breathe. However, there are many things that you might feel are unchangeable that you can change when you have clear intention. That’s how dreams become reality!
It can often be a challenge to get the clarity you need by yourself. If you are looking for support on your life path, Songbird has a variety of practitioners to support you in aligning with your passions and living them.
Because January is the time that many people focus on new intentions, we are also focusing our January Friday Night Flock Nights in this area. Our first Friday Night Flock Night on January 8, Poetic Soul Illuminations with Neal Grace, is an opportunity to receive a powerful and insightful spontaneous poem about your life journey. On January 22, Channeling Your Life with Evalena Rose will provide you guidance on your path. In the middle, on January 15, Change Your Life by Changing What You Eat with Songbird practitioner Rhonda Lee will provide guidance on the physical aspects of your life. We also have a special SoulCollage workshop with Mirabai Joan Kolari on Sunday, January 10, Tell Me a Possibility: Invoking the Soul’s Dream.
We hope to see you soon!