Family Ties: A Day of Family Constellations with Molly Salans

Sunday, December 11th, 10:00am-6:00pm. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈

During these festive times, family relationships can be messy no matter how close you all are!   Stuck, unconscious patterns can rear up easily!

In the midst of this, busy, hectic season treat yourself to a day of Family Constellations, and experience freedom like never before!  As you take this powerful journey down into your Family Soul you will acknowledge the unconscious soul agreements you made before you were born.

From this place you will be able to create new and conscious agreements that are supported and created from Unconditional Love.

Molly is a transformative, intuitive and passionate guide, as well as a licensed psychotherapist. She has served the Greater Boston Area for over 25 years. Molly is also available for individual sessions: To schedule, contact Molly directly.

Register at:

Contact: he***************@gm***.com,  978-799-9751.

Cost: $175 (Pre-registration Required). Early Bird Special (Paid by Nov. 7) $150.