Stones Throw Blog

Taking Responsibility For Our Own Health And Wellness

We live in a society that, by and large, tends to look primarily to the medical profession for their health and wellness, or the lack thereof. While doctors certainly have their place, true wellness comes from within. Our lifestyle choices and the actions we take daily are the foundations for a healthy body…and mind. For…

Holiday Stress

Stress is common at this time of year, and there are many approaches to dealing with it. Last Sunday the Press Democrat ran a feature article, Easing the Holiday Stress. The article included tips from two Songbird practitioners: Terry Trapp on nutrition & herbs and Joann Bostow on being alone. Eoanna Passidakis talked about visualization…

Thanksgiving Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving! Like many people, I like to use this time of year to reflect on what I am grateful for. There are many ways that this can be approached. One way is celebration, like the holiday party we are having at Songbird on December 13. Another way is contrast, like the Girl Rising movie…


A few weeks ago I took a short vacation to Mount Shasta with my boyfriend Allen. While there, I did a reading with one of my teachers, Susan Isabelle. I was amazed that the reading contained some of the same cards as the one I did in March, despite the fact that the cards were…

Jasmine Gold Interview

Interview on Women’s Spaces TV Show

I was recently interviewed about Songbird Community Healing Center and the Toltec Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz for Women’s Spaces with Elaine Holtz. The show is broadcast on Santa Rosa public access television. The show is now airing and available to watch on-line. Check it out! [wpvideo Rlo1CFpJ]

Trust in Abundance

When a challenge arises in your life, do you focus on your fears or do you trust that the abundant Universe will help you succeed? A few weeks ago, Terry Trapp, our nutritionist and iridologist, took a new job. This Saturday is the last day that she will be able to do drop in sessions,…

Destruction and Restoration

Chad Hanson, forest ecologist and environmental activist, says about the Yosemite fire, “This is not destruction, this is ecological restoration.”* How can you apply this to your life? What do you want to restore in your life, and what do you need to destroy to make it happen? One way is to use fire directly…

Mainfesting and the Inner Compass

We are all powerful manifestors. We are always manifesting something, but it isn’t always what we desire. When my desires don’t come about, it is usually because I am not following the inner compass that guides me. When I do follow it, there are none of the should’s, expectations, and judgments that come from my…

Healthcare is Not One Size Fits All

I frequently run across people struggling with health issues and how to treat them. I too was in that place 20 years ago when I was diagnosed with a hyperactive thyroid. I wanted to treat it alternatively, but didn’t know where to turn. The Hands of Gold Healing Clinic and later Songbird sprouted from that…

Action versus Reaction, Allergies & Relationships

Most people I know find it fairly easy to take action when they have a reaction to something such as an allergy attack. Yet, those same people often find it more difficult to take action from a lack of something in their life such as an unfulfilling job or desiring a relationship. I often hear…