To Mask or Not to Mask, Jasmine Gold

This is a question that divides my friends, as well as the country. Why is this question so divisive? What drives each side to take such a strong stand? The real issue has nothing to do with masks. It’s tied in with differing belief systems and fears. Each side is generally being driven by a…

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COVID and the Toltec Masteries, Jasmine Gold

As Songbird navigates reopening, I have found myself drowning in a sea of differing beliefs about how to proceed. There are those who don’t want to go out until there is a vaccine, those who don’t think masks are necessary, and everyone in between. It’s hard to sort through the diverse information and figure out…

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Cocooning and Transforming, Jasmine Gold

How often have you longed for the opportunity to relax and get away from the day to day stress of your life? Are you taking advantage of it now that you have it? The coronavirus is transforming the world. You have a choice how you look at it – an apocalypse or a gift. Visualize…

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Fear and the Coronavirus, Jasmine Gold

There are two major responses I see to the new coronavirus – panicking or blowing it off. This is true for many things in our lives. Rather than go to one extreme or the other, the best approach is to be prepared and know the facts. For most of us, if we catch the coronavirus,…

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