Reflections, Jasmine Gold

Over the last month I have been reflecting on the many unexpected ways my life has flowed over the years. The timing may be connected to Songbird moving upstairs right after my birthday as well as the upcoming summer solstice, astrology, and the many natural disasters affecting people’s lives. As you probably know, Songbird is…

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Combining Songbird & Stones Throw, Jasmine Gold

When I bought the Songbird building five years ago, I thought I was done with remodeling and moving. Then Spirit called me to open the store 3 ½ years ago and to move it 1 ½ years ago, right before a fire in the building. Now J&D Tattoo has moved out from upstairs at Songbird…

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Love, Fear & Guns, Jasmine Gold

Since the Parkland mass shooting, my Facebook feed has been filled with posts trying to convince the reader that the author’s viewpoint is clearly the right one. Almost all of these posts are one sided. They do not take the time to compassionately explore and understand the underlying reasons and fears that drive the other…

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Perspectives and Assumptions, Jasmine Gold

There are many ways to view life. A child sees life differently than an adult. A millennial and a senior see things differently. Men and women look at life differently. There are optimists and pessimists, liberals and conservatives, introverts and extroverts… These broad differences tend to be more obvious, but there are also more subtle…

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Planting the Seeds for Your Wellbeing, Jasmine Gold

Can you believe that 2018 is already here? Do you know what you want to manifest in the upcoming months? Take a moment to close your eyes and picture your life as it is now. Imagine that each item that takes up in time your life is a different type of flower – work, recreation,…

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Changing Views, Jasmine Gold

How has your view of the holidays changed during your lifetime? Do you have different views of Christmas and giving? Different views of New Year’s? Just like nature, my views are always evolving. The fires have brought another shift for me, just like the field next door has shifted. After the fire  I had a…

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Moving Forward from the Fires, Jasmine Gold

On the night the big fires started, there was another fire that started in a field next door to me. It could have spread like the others did, but fortunately was put out quickly. I sometimes wonder why my home was spared when others lost theirs. When I catch myself wondering this, I tell myself…

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A New World

A year ago, my 21 year old child Quinn told me that they were transgender. This year, they transferred to UC Santa Cruz and are living in transgender dorm. Using the pronoun “they” like this is foreign to me, but seems totally normal to their generation. Realizing this has made me start reflecting on other…

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Louise Hay and the File Cabinet

I was trying to decide what to write about this month on the saw day Louise Hay passed away. It was all over my Facebook feed. Like many people I know, Louise Hay had an early impact on my spiritual and personal growth path. I was first introduced to her by my sister in the…

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Sweeping Away Energy Blocks

Why is it that some people take all the “right” outward steps and are not successful, while others seem to do everything “wrong” and achieve success? This can be due to having or not having energetic blocks. I’ve found that to be true for myself. When I’m absolutely clear that I can accomplish something, it happens.…

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