Benefits of Aroma Enhanced Relaxation, Anna Bazarnaya

I have a life-long love and passion for essential oils. Love for their complex, profound effect on our psyche, and the ability to calm and uplift us without numbing or causing drowsiness. When you inhale the aromatic molecules, you receive not just the bioactive molecules but also the prana, vitality, and the vibrational frequency which…

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Bergamot: The Oil of Self-Acceptance, Anna Bazarnaya

The essential oil of Bergamot allows love to radiate and saturate your soul, promoting moral courage and helps acknowledge your own highest gifts and use them smartly! It reduces the pressing heaviness of the mind, bringing illumination and laughter, the playfulness of eternal youth, and happiness. If you cry inside and heart is aching, let…

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Call on the Angels to Stay Centered, Natalie Doel

When I asked the angels for guidance on what to share in my very first column for Songbird, I heard a chorus of voices speak the following message: “Remind people that they are not in this experience alone, and that right now, all is well.” As this message permeated my consciousness, I felt my entire…

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Cocooning and Transforming, Jasmine Gold

How often have you longed for the opportunity to relax and get away from the day to day stress of your life? Are you taking advantage of it now that you have it? The coronavirus is transforming the world. You have a choice how you look at it – an apocalypse or a gift. Visualize…

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Flattening the Curve: Love and Not Fear, Jasmine Gold

How are you doing at focusing on love and not fear? The coronavirus helps us remember the importance of staying in the moment. The world is changing. These three images sum it up:  As director of Songbird Community Healing Center, a community of practitioners and those we serve, there are many voices, both external and…

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Fear and the Coronavirus, Jasmine Gold

There are two major responses I see to the new coronavirus – panicking or blowing it off. This is true for many things in our lives. Rather than go to one extreme or the other, the best approach is to be prepared and know the facts. For most of us, if we catch the coronavirus,…

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