Seamus Duffy: EFT Tapping

Seamus Duffy is trained in the healing modality of EFT Tapping. He has completed EFT trainings, Tapping Level I and Level II with Rob Nelson in Santa Rosa. Seamus regularly attends a tapping group where he works directly with a practitioner in order to fine tune his practice. Seamus has learned through interactive sessions how to clear trapped emotions, relieve physical ailments and reduce stress.

Seamus enjoys working with others and was drawn to healing after having experienced change and transformation in his own life. It can be very rewarding to acknowledge the parts of yourself that have been hidden in the shadows. Seamus goes towards physical and emotional issues with EFT Tapping in order to uncover important aspects of our human nature that may have been denied or suppressed.

Seamus resides in Forestville where he uses his daily practice to tap away suffering for himself and others. By learning EFT Seamus has learned how to self-heal and has found out ways to recover from trauma and emotional wounds.


