The last month has been a month of ups, downs and everything in between. I am doing my best to simply observe and not attach to the stories that my mind tells me. Helping me out recently are two supportive pieces of wisdom from other teachers. At Sybil Harmony’s Angels & Avatars class, she told me a metaphor about driving in the fog. On Saturday, I received a Prosperity Affirmation that I will be reading daily for the next 30 days. Join me this month in tapping into prosperity energy!
I consider the fog metaphor and the Prosperity Affirmation to be tied together. When you are driving down the road in the fog, you can only view a little bit at a time. Sometimes you can only see enough to trust that you are in the right place. As your drive further, the next piece opens up and then the next. Eventually the fog clears and you are able to see the big picture. I often find it frustrating to be in the fog without knowing what the future will bring. I want to try to control it and my mind can go nuts trying to figure out what is up ahead. I don’t trust myself and don’t trust everything to turn out right. That’s where the affirmation helps. Enjoy!
Prosperity Affirmation (Will Bowen):
I am the source of all wealth. I am rich with creative ideas. My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts. What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it.
My value is beyond reckoning. What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and give. What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill. The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit. Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness.
The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, & pours out into the world, blessing & prospering everyone, & everything through me.
I radiate blessings, I radiate creativity, I radiate prosperity, I radiate loving service. I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom & Power. Humanity seeks me and rewards me. I am beloved of the world. I am wanted wherever I go.
I am appreciated. What I have to offer is greatly desired. What I have to offer brings a rich reward. Through my vision the world is blessed. Through my clear thinking & steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression.
My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones. My faith is as the faith of the undefeatable. My power to accomplish is unlimited. I, in my uttermost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity.