What? It’s February already? What happened to January? It sure feels like time is speeding up. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that Uranus is in Aries and will continue to be there until 2019. By that time we will have experienced so much change we might not recognize our world.
Last evening as I returned home at dusk I saw the beautiful crescent moon with Venus nearby and I wondered how many people rushing home from work even noticed. The cycles of nature, once so important to our ancestors, often go unnoticed in the so-called ‘advanced’ modern world. And yet, we are still subject to them.
In a way, we have an inflated sense of our own importance. We are a dust particle in the Universe, but at the same time, we have managed to alter the climate, cause species extinctions at an unprecedented rate and spread our kind to all corners of the Earth. We clearly have both elements of the animal kingdom and a speck of the Divine within us. We are creators and destroyers, dreamers and causers of nightmares.
We start this month in Aquarius, whose modern ruler is Uranus and traditional ruler Saturn. Until Uranus was discovered, Saturn was at the limit of the observable solar system.
Aquarius represents ‘brotherly love’ and aspires to the highest values of humanity. This concept of ‘brotherly love’ is always presented as a goal to aspire to and yet, how many families do you know where brothers and sisters envy, hate and even kill each other in an effort to get ahead of their siblings? History and mythology abounds with examples. In many countries, the biggest rivalries are between siblings, especially after the death of a parent. So what is this ‘brotherly love’ thing based on? Even kittens and puppies in the same litter fight at the ‘milk bar’. An ideal. Aquarius is about ideals…not necessarily realities. But without ideals, where would we be today?
Our President Obama has Aquarius rising. When I heard his speech the other night, I wondered what country he was talking about. Perhaps he has convinced himself, as many Sun sign Leos can do, that his fantasies are real. But again, without a vision of what is possible, nothing is possible. The Law of Attraction says we should act as if something is already present in our life in order to magnetize it to us.
So on to the high points of the month.
It begins with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius. All the Mercury retrogrades this year will be in air signs which represent the mental realm and communication. Mercury will turn direct on Feb. 12. During that time I suggest we look at our self talk. Most of us have an inner dialogue going on most of the time. We are commenting on what we are doing, not doing, should be doing etc. as well as doing the same about everything and everybody around us. Notice what you are saying to yourself. Try not to judge, criticize or complain for 15 minutes a day. Increase when you succeed. Not an easy task, but well worth the effort.
Venus and Mars will be together in Pisces, and where ever that is in your chart, you may feel some sense of sweetness and romance. They both go into Aries one day apart: Mars the 20th, Venus the 21st. It might feel like the ‘morning after’ the wake-up call. “What did you say your name was?”
Jupiter is still retrograde in Leo asking us to review our beliefs about love, creativity, and fun. They are not the fluff of life, they are essential to our well-being. Without joy, life can be drudgery. Make sure to make space in your life for some fun however you define it.
Saturn is in Sagittarius in February and for the next couple of years. This will be somewhat of a relief after Scorpio, but don’t take on too much. Sagittarius can be so optimistic it becomes overly inflated. The sign of the gambler and the ‘silver-tongued devil’ Saturn in Sag might end up with egg on its face.
I already mentioned Uranus. Neptune still in Pisces will be conjunct Mars and Venus for a few days and add to the romance and possible illusion.
Pluto of course, remains in Capricorn for another 8 years and within orb of a square to Uranus for another year or so. The last exact square of 7 will be next month. This formation has brought on a lot of change and loss. We are at the part of the process now to rebuild and transform. The destruction is over, the rebirth begins.
February 2 is Candlemas and Ground Hog day with a Full Moon following the next day. Candlemas is the cross-quarter holiday signaling the half-way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. I can already feel the hint of Spring, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.
The week starting Feb. 16th is an eventful one. Monday is Presidents’ Day in the US; Tuesday is Mardi Gras; Wed. is Ash Wednesday in the Christian calendar and features a New Moon. Thursday is Chinese New Year…the year of the Goat.
For my posts on the New Moon and Full Moon every month, go to my website: www.wayfinderastrology.com
I will be giving a talk Thursday March 19 at 7:30 on the Astrological Year which starts with the Spring Equinox at 0° Aries. A 4 week class begins the following Monday March 23 at 7 pm. For more information or to register call or email me.
Why not sign up for a reading? Call or email me for more information.