Grace Garneau: High Frequency Energy Healing, Crystal Grid Work, Visionary Art

Grace Garneau taps into the voice of her Soul through painting and meditation. Her path as a painter began in early childhood and later became a path of healing. Throughout a lifetime of creative practice she has become more and more acquainted with subtle energies and healing frequencies. Her focus, in the physical and non-physical dimensions, is on color, light, and the energy patterns that form our beliefs and experiences. 

Healing is something Grace has explored passionately on every level – through transpersonal psychology, art, energy work, and surrender to the Divine Mother. She has sat with many Spiritual Teachers. Her primary teachers are Robert Adams and Ramana Maharshi.

Aura Re-Patterning sessions with Grace help you to identify and shift the patterns in your energy field where the flow of energy is blocked, so that you can heal physical illness as well as relieve emotional distress. Sessions are relaxing and rejuvenating and may include placing crystals on the body, vocal toning, chakra restructuring, hara re-alignment, past life healing or emotional clearing. They leave you feeling peaceful, grounded, and revitalized. 

Grace has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She is a graduate of The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, a four year program for healing through the Human Energy Field. She also studied with Alex Orbito, a Psychic Surgeon in the Philippines, and completed Dolphin Heart World, an energy healing program with Dolphin Frequencies. 




Grace’s Upcoming Events:

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